What makes this product special?
This page highlights the benefits of this product and gives you a reason to choose this product over other solutions available online.
Continuous support 🤝
Anyone who has purchased this product is a paying customer who has spent their hard earned money on Advanced Companion AI. For this reason, once you have purchased the product, you will of course receive support as long as the support is directly tied to the product.
Comprehensive documentation 📚
Since switching to Gitbook.io, our documentation has improved dramatically. We are now able to better organize, showcase, and plan our projects. Good documentation gives users of the product the information they need to work with the system, improving their workflow and productivity.
User-friendly design 👥
The Advanced Companion AI is designed to be user-friendly, allowing users to edit the system with ease. Through the use of Dynamic Behavior Trees, users can add their own AI logic to the system using variables in the details panel, effectively saving them time by not having to implement it in the AI behavior trees already included.
Well documented (In-Editor) 🖥️
All of our products are 100% documented. To achieve this, each product has extensive documentation, just like the document you are reading. Every function, every event, every setting is documented, either by a comment in the blueprint/C++ graph or by an associated tooltip.
Leverage world-class technology 👨💻
Since the rise of AI tools, we have not feared them, but rather learned how to incorporate them into our workflow to increase our productivity, save time, and improve the overall quality of the product.
Updated ⏫
While other publishers will partially ignore their customers, we always have an ear to what you have to say. When you find bugs, suggest new functionality or have tips for optimization, we are of course willing to talk with you and take care of your problems and suggestions.
Please keep in mind that we will not add all suggested features or optimizations due to them not fitting the product, being to expenisve to develop or just to specialized to a certain type of project.
Last updated