Settings Explained

In this part of the documentation you will find a collection of tables representing the settings of all the components included in the Advanced Companion AI.


Starting with the largest component, the Companion Component. This Component is assigned to any character that you want to be recognized as a Companion AI. In this Component, you can make all the settings that directly affect the AI and its behavior.

General AI Settings

Settings Name

Uses Root Motion

Determines whether the

Companion AI uses a root motion-based character or not.

Should Follow

Determines whether or not the

Companion AI will follow the player.

Can Wander

Determines whether the AI should

wander when in neutral area or not.

Use Area Detection

Specifies whether the AI should use

the area detection system.

Wandering Radius

Sets the radius for the neutral area and the wandering radius.

Follow Restriction

Specifies which follow method to


AI Speed Settings

Settings Name

Maximal Speed

Sets the maximal speed of the AI.

Walking Speed

Sets the walking speed of the AI.

For Run Settings

Settings Name

Projection Method

Specifies the projection method

used by the projection system.

For Run Distance

Sets the distance, the AI should run

in front of the player when in For Run mode.

For Run Offset

Determines the offset direction (left

or right) of the predicted player location.

Offset Amount (For Run)

Sets the amount of offset in centimeters.

Hittable Classes

Defines an array of classes that are

hitable by the prediction system.

Landscapes are hitable by default.

Follow Behind Settings

Settings Name

Follow Distance

Sets the distance in centimeters

that the AI will follow behind the player.

Follow Behind Offset

Specifies the offset direction (left or

right) of the follow position.

Offset Amount (Behind)

Sets the amount of offset in centimeters.

Area Detection Settings

Settings Name

Detection Range

Sets the radius/area for area


Detection Sensitivity

Determines how many percent of

all area detection rays must hit something before the follow mode is set to follow.

Detection Method

Specifies the area detection

method. Radial scans the area in a radial shape and Squared scans the area in a square shape.

Interactable Detection Settings

Settings Name

Interactable Detection Radius

Sets the radius within which the AI can detect interactable objects.

Detection Possibility

Sets how likely it is that the AI will actually detect an interactable when it is in range. (Low = 25% | Medium = 50% | High = 75% | Always detect = 100%)

Command Settings

Settings Name


Contains all the commands and

associated logic available to this instance of the AI companion.

AI Combat Settings

Settings Name

Attacking Behavior

Holds the attack behavior. This

setting allows you to create different AIs with different attack behaviors without changing the code. Can be changed at runtime, e.g., when the AI collects a new weapon, you can change the attack logic accordingly.


Second is the Camera Handler Component. It must be assigned to the player character and will be responsible for detecting the Companion AI. The Camera Handler Component will also be responsible for detecting what object the player is looking at when in Command Mode and then assigning the appropriate command to the Companion AI. The whole system will not work without this component, so be sure to add it to your player character blueprint.

General Camera Handler Settings

Settings Name

Detection Range

The range at which the camera

detects that the player is looking at the AI.

Command Range

The camera's actor detection range

while the camera is in command mode.

Enemy Tag

Holds the tag for enemies. Make

sure this tag matches the tag of your enemies so that the command system can recognize them.


The Hitable Actor Component is used to determine whether an actor should be recognized by the Projection System or not. To make it not too much work to add this Component to every actor in your level, you can go to the "For Run" settings inside the Companion Component and look for the "Hitable Classes" array, where you can assign multiple classes that will be automatically recognized by the command system. Landscapes are detected by default.

Settings Name

Ground Zero

Determines if the owning actor is

the last actor with no other hitable actors below. The projection will stop at this actor if “true”


This component is used to identify POI Objects in your level. You must add this component if you want the Advanced Companion AI System to recognize the owning actor as a POI Object.

Each POI Object has its own logic for the AI to follow when interacting with the POI. For example, it might be a bench where the AI can sit when it has nothing else to do.

Settings Name

POI Behavior

BHT Asset that contains the logic for

the AI to execute when interacting with the POI object.


This Component can be used to give an actor a custom command that is executed when the actor is selected while using the Command System.

Settings Name


Enum value which determines the

command to be executed for this actor in command mode.

Last updated