Welcome to Advanced Companion AI! On this page you will find the product description, which will give you interesting and useful information about the product before you buy it.
The Advanced Companion AI comes with a number of features designed to enhance your project. Here is a brief overview of each feature. Please note that the descriptions of these features are very compact. After purchase, you can easily customize any system with various settings without changing the original code.
Projection System
The Advanced Companion AI uses the projection system to navigate smoothly in complex environments. By projecting and predicting the player's position on the terrain, the AI effortlessly maneuvers through dense, uneven, and multi-level areas such as bridges or buildings. Enjoy immersive and dynamic navigation in diverse environments with this advanced feature.
Follow Modes
The Advanced Companion AI comes with two different follow modes. The "For Run" follow mode uses a predicted player location, which is then projected onto the terrain using the projection system to make the AI run ahead of the player. The "Follow Behind" follow mode takes the player's location, adds some offsets, and uses the resulting location as the follow target.
Area Detection
The Advanced Companion AI has an automatic area detection system. This system is able to detect the area around the player and adjust the AI's follow mode accordingly. For example, it can tell the AI to walk behind the player when in dense areas such as a building.
Command System
The Command System comes with the Advanced Companion AI. It allows the player to interact with the AI, giving the game/application a more immersive feel. The Command System comes with 5 predefined commands. In addition, I implemented an easy way to implement your own command logic without making any changes to the original code.
The Advanced Companion AI uses the built-in perception system to respond to the world around it. It uses "visual sensing" , "noise sensing" , "damage sensing" and "predictive sensing" to provide more immersive in-game behavior.
Neutral Area
The neutral area is a radius around the player in which the AI performs idle tasks as long as the player is not leaving the area. The area will be replaced as soon as the player stops moving after leaving.
Interactable Objects
The AI can find two types of interactable objects in the environment. The "interactables" are objects that the AI can sense and interact with while navigating the world (example: loot scattered around the world). The second type are the Points of Interest (POI), when in the neutral area, the AI can interact with POIs in range. POIs can be anything from a chair for the AI to sit on to a fishing spot at a river or lake. Each interactable object has its own component that contains a Behavior Tree asset that is executed when the AI interacts with it.
Save your time ⏱️
When it comes to game development, making the most of your time is very important. That is why we have combined a common Unreal Engine workflow to make working with this system as easy (and fast) as possible.
🧩 Blueprint Components
The whole product is using Blueprint Components. We have created several components that you can use (plug and play) to make this system work in your project. Each component "tick" is disabled (if not needed) to save your performance.
📚 Function Libraries
All the systems we created for this project are organized into several compact function libraries. This allows you to reuse these systems in case you find yourself in a scenario where you could use one of the included systems (see Features). Also, sorting the code into separate libraries makes the project much more organized.
Performance 💨
When creating games, performance plays a big role. A game with bad performance will never be good. To keep your players happy and your PC cool, We have done our best to make this system as performant as possible.
⏱️ Tick Tack
We tried to avoid the tick event as much as possible. Any blueprint that does not absolutely need the tick event will have it disabled to reduce the amount of logic executed every frame. There are a few exceptions, but they are far outnumbered.
⌛ Timers
As we said, we tried to avoid using the tick event as much as possible. To achieve this, we used timers to run all the functions and events that needed to be executed in intervals. Timers also gave us the ability to decide how long the gap between executions for each function should be, which not only gives a massive performance boost, but also improves the feel of the AI in the game in many ways.
🧒 Children
To further improve performance, we created parent blueprints for the interactable objects (interactables and points of interest). You can now create children from these parents instead of having to create a new blueprint for each interactable.
Price 💳
Limited-time offer: Explore the product at a discounted price of $149.99 ($159.99). This early release may have minor bugs and partially optimized systems. Your feedback is highly valuable in enhancing the product. Please keep in mind that the price may increase as we optimize and introduce new features. Don't miss out on this opportunity to contribute to the product's development. A product like this would cost you over 7.5k if you would have hired the developer as a freelancer.
Help of AI 🧠🤖
We successfully leveraged the power of AI to create this project. Every voice you hear within the project or the demo is generated by AI technology. Additionally, we utilized the capabilities of ChatGPT to optimize the code and significantly expedite the development process. The integration of AI has proven instrumental in achieving exceptional results and accelerating the project's overall pace. Also, using AI, we condensed and improved the project's documentation, making it more understandable and user-friendly.