What are Interactable Objects?
The Advanced Companion AI uses a concept called interactable objects. There are two types of interactable objects, which are explained on this page.
Why use Interactable Objects?
Interactables are a great way to make the companion AI interact with the environment, delivering an extreme amount of immersion for your players. Interactables can help making the AI feel more realistic and intelligent.
The two types of Interactable Objects
The Advanced Companion AI comes with two different types of interactable objects that are included by default. Each type has its own benefits and different use cases. Below are two drop-down menus that explain each type:
What exactly does "Interact" mean?
Each interactable object, whether it's a POI or an interactable, contains its own behavior tree asset. Whenever the AI interacts with such an object, it will go to the interactable object and get the behavior tree asset from it. Now, using dynamic behavior trees, the AI will execute the behavior stored in the interactable. After executing the behavior tree asset, the AI returns to its original state.
This concept gives you the optimal opportunity to add your own touch to your game without having to make any changes to the original code. This has always been a problem with premade assets, which is what we are trying to fix here.
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