This page contains information about updates that have been released for this product and information about WIP updates. You will also find a list of known issues that we are aware of.
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Update 1.0
Date of release: 07.14.2023 [MM/DD/YYYY]
Reason for update:
Bug fixes in existing features.
Add new functionality to existing features.
Optimize code for better performance and readability.
Improving the area detection system
Align the detection rays to the ground normal.
Added the ability to increase/decrease the number of detection rays (radial only).
Added toggle to show / hide Area Detection System debugging shapes.
New Companion Component Settings (ALL)
You can now set whether the AI should teleport when the distance between the AI and the player is greater than a certain amount.
You can set the maximum distance between the player and the AI before the AI teleports to the player.
When using the "Hitable Classes" array to declare a large number of actors defined by their class as "hitable objects" in the projection system, you can now use a toggle to enable / disable the "second projection" for all class members.
For the projection system, you can now show/hide debugging shapes when projecting the "For Run" location to the environment.
You can now specify whether or not the Area Detection System should align with the ground normals.
You can now use a toggle to show / hide Area Detection System debugging shapes.
Added the ability to increase/decrease the number of detection rays (radial only).
Hitable Classes Array Bugfix
A bug that caused only the first element of the array start to be used by the projection system is now fixed. You can now use as many classes as you like for your hitable objects.
Endless Wandering Loop
Whenever the AI failed to find a random location to move to, the game would crash, which was quite annoying. This bug has now been fixed, and whenever the AI fails to find a valid location, it will simply wait at its current location until the player starts moving again.
Behavior Tree Stepback (UE 5.1 Only)
In Unreal Engine 5.1 there was a bug in the AI's behavior tree (idle) that caused the tree to fail and reset itself. This resulted in the AI not being able to perform any of its idle tasks. We are not sure why this happened (only happened in UE5.1), but adding a small buffer (Wait node) so the Behavior Tree always has something to execute fixed it.
Hitable Classes
There have been various changes to the Projection System in terms of the "Hitable Classes" array which is used to instantly add large numbers of actors as hitable actors to the Projection System by using class references. Previously there was a bug that the Projection System only added actors with the class of the first element of the array and ignored the other elements. By fixing this the logic for gathering the hitable actors should now also be more efficent.
Getting Points of Interest (POI)
We overhauled the function which was responsible for getting all points of interest when the player is inside of the neutral area. The function should now be more efficent and easier to read / understand.
Disabling Tick
To increase performance the tick event was disabled in actors that did not have to use it. This should not have a big impact on performance but its just "best practice" to do so.
Checking if AI Controller is valid
In the blackboard functions we added a "Is Valid" node to check if the AI Controller input is valid. We did not add this to every function in this library but only the ones that are executed in scenarios where the AI Controller input might not be valid.
Other minor optimizations
We also did some other minor optimizations but in our opinion they are not worth to mention in detail since we just replaced some nodes with better solutions to increase redability. Having less code is always better.