As there are no written reviews on FAB, we will save our old reviews from the marketplace here. To be fair to our customers, this page contains all reviews! Positive & Negative.
Really nicely done!
I really enjoyed using this product and would recommend anyone to purchase if you have a follower based mechanic in your project.
Great support great tool
A shoutout to the creator of this asset – your asset is a timesaver! The support team deserves some major props too; their responses are fast and super helpful. Honestly, this asset saved me heaps of development time on a feature I was dreading to tackle myself. Totally worth the investment. So far, it's checked all my boxes and lived up to my expectations. Big thanks!
Great product!
Great product and the developer is amazing! Highly recommended!
Best AI Companion Tool on the marketplace!
High recommend this if you need a nice AI Companion setup in your games.
This is a great companion Tool
out of the many I have seen in the marketplace, I can say for good that this one is actually good. big thanks to the creator for this asset.
If you would like to read more about our written reviews, please visit Orbital Market, where all our reviews are archived!
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